Step 1: Identify articles by searching Avery Index: [ mies van der rohe AND 50x50 ]
Keep in mind that the building will also be referred to as Fifty Foot by Fifty Foot.
Step 2: Search NYIT's journal locator and locate these journals.
Step 3: Search NYIT Library's catalog BearCat for books about the structure. If you fail to locate any broaden your search for books about the architect. In general terms, the Library of Congress location for Mies Van der Rohe is NA1088 .M65.
Step 4: Supplement your search using WorldCat. WorldCat will let you know if the topic has been addressed in the form of a book and where that book is located.
The project falls in the category of unbuilt prototypes. For your purpose, this citation appears to be the best:
VLC Arquitectura, Oct. 2018, v.5, no.2, p.175-202, illustrations, plans, section details, sketches, photographs
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