Answered By: NYIT Library Last Updated: Jan 31, 2024 Views: 1092
I did a search in the Academic Search Complete database which you can access from the library homepage at and then go to the quick links section and select Databases A-Z and choose from the Academic Search Complete from the A - Z list or click on the General and Multi-Disciplinary link under Databases by Subject and select the Academic Search Complete from that list. Don't be afraid to try out other databases concerning your searches.
I did a search in this database using the following keywords making sure to select the full-text and Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals boxes within the database interface, remembering to connect the terms with AND OR NOT (i.e. Globalization AND Labor supply):
- globalization
- labor supply
- job creation
- economy
Here's two articles that I located using these terms:
Taylor, M. (2009). Who Works for Globalisation? The challenges and possibilities for international labour studies. Third World Quarterly, 30(3), 435-452. doi:10.1080/01436590902742230
Muhammad, S. D., Majeed, S., Hussain, A., & Lal, I. (2010). Impact of Globalization on HDI (Human Development Index): Case Study of Pakistan. European Journal of Social Science, 13(1), 46-55. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
You may want to speak to a librarian directly in person regarding your topic, as it is very broad and I am unable to ask you more pointed questions concerning your search, to find out exacltly what you are looking for.
For further asistance:
- Manhattan Library
1855 Broadway, New York, NY 10023-7692
(212) 261-1526 - Wisser Memorial Library
Northern Blvd. Old Westbury, NY 11568-8000
(516) 686-7657
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