Hi! There is a copy listed for the Manhattan Campus Library which is due back in a day. You might want to place a hold on this book if you're a Manhattan campus student, or request that it be transfered to the Wisser Library if the book has not been placed on Reserve. If the book is Reserve, it can only be read on site at Manhattan.
We do not seem to have another copy at the Wisser Library. If this is a required textbook for a course (which it seems to be) the Wisser Library can buy a copy from the Bookstore in a day or two. However, the book will be kept on Reserve at the Circulation Desk and must be read in the Wisser Library only.
Once you've decided what you want to do, then call the Circulation Desk of your campus library: Manhattan is (212) 261-1526 or Wisser (516) 686-7633 The author of the book is Wimmer and the publication date is 2011.
Thank you for using our service. Good luck. Bye.
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