Answered By: Greg Corron
Last Updated: Jun 30, 2014     Views: 65

GREENR, which stands for Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources, is an academic database containing journal and news articles pertaining to the subject matter you are interested in. You can access this database by clicking on the "Articles in Databases" link on the NYIT library homepage. When you do this from off-campus there will be a prompt asking for your NYIT username and password, successfully input that and you can access the database. When you get to the database homepage, click on the "Advanced search" link which will take you to the advanced search page where you can search thru keywords using boolean operators, such as "solar energy" AND "cost", there are also boxes you can check off to limit your search to full-text articles and peer-reviewed journals, below is a sample of the "advanced search" page on the GREENR database:

Advanced Search
Enter search term(s) and select index type. Indicate choice of Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT).
in BrowseBrowse
in BrowseBrowse
in BrowseBrowse
Limit your search (Optional):
by document type
by content type
publication subjects
by publication date(s)
by publication format
Document Number