Answered By: Rosemary Burgos-Mira
Last Updated: Dec 11, 2017     Views: 826

You may want to start by exploring our science and technology databases at the following URL: Academic Search Complete, the first database listed, is a multidisciplinary database; try this database first. Once in Academic Search Complete, you will see your search fields at the top of the page. Start by typing in nuclear energy in the first field and setting the drop down menu beside it to SU Subject Terms. In the next field, type in advantages OR benefits. If you look down the page, you will see a box labelled Search Options; if you continue to scroll down (past Limit your results), you will see a checkbox next to the words Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals

. Click this box to limit your search to content from peer-reviewed publications. For more guidance, see the screenshot below:
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