- College of Osteopathic Medicine Library
Nelson A. Rockefeller Academic Center
Northern Blvd. Old Westbury, NY 11568-8000
(516) 686-3743
- Education Hall: Art and Architecture Library
Northern Blvd. Old Westbury, NY 11568-8000
(516) 686-7422
- Manhattan Library
1855 Broadway, New York, NY 10023-7692
(212) 261-1526
- Wisser Memorial Library
Northern Blvd. Old Westbury, NY 11568-8000
(516) 686-7657
Answered By: Jeanne Strausman Last Updated: Jun 30, 2014 Views: 41
You can do a search in Ovid. Go to the library website: http://www.nyit.edu/library/medicine and under "Popular Resources", click on Ovid. Choose Ovid MEDLINE 2009-2013 and then click on the Advanced Search tab. Type in "Sports" and then click on in the box next to "Sports" and click in the "Explode" box. Click continue to go back to first screen.. Next do another search with the word "Crime" and click in box next to Crime and the Explode box. Click continue to go back to first screen. You should now have 2 search results. In the box, type "1 and 2" and this will combine the two search results together. You can then browse the articles. For more information, please contact any of the NYIT Libraries.
** Hi! If you're interested in newspaper, magazine or journal information in sources other than medical ones, go to the main library web site at www.nyit.edu/library, select the "Articles" yellow tab at the top and then click "Go to all Databases" under the first search box. From the alphabetical list at your right I would start either "ProQuest Central" or "Academic Search Complete." These databases cover a wide range of periodicals and included much full text. Once you select a database, choose the "Advanced" search option. Type "crime or criminals" in the first line and "sports or athletics or sporting" in the second line (you do not need the quotations marks). Then press search button. If you come up with a lot of articles, you might want to focus your search by selecting "title" or "subject" from the dropdown menu boxes to the right of each search line. You can limit your search to full text articles only by checking off the "Full Text" box provided under the search lines area.
There are a couple of databases which focus on criminal justrice--just look for them alphabetically.
If you have further questions, please contact us again.
Good luck. Bye.
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