Answered By: Greg Corron
Last Updated: Jun 30, 2014     Views: 187

 Well based on my research two of the main ideas that The Picture of Dorian Gray and Death in Venice have in common are the concepts of homosexuality and paganism you can find jounral articles and literary crticism dealing with these topics by accessing the Articles and Databases link on the NYIT Libary home page. This will bring you the field where you can access the databases according to subject matter, you can click on the link "Literature and Humanities" in the "Select your subject" field this will bring you to databases where you can access specific articles. For example, I clicked on the database link "Academic Search Complete" which brought to a search field, there I typed in the keywords "Picture of Dorian Gray" and "Death in Venice" which brought me to an article entitled "The Love which Dare Not Speak its Name" which discusses some of the themes and ideas related to the two works in question.