Answered By: Greg Corron
Last Updated: Jun 30, 2014     Views: 52

Six out the seven sources you cited are books. The books by Edward James, Paul Aikon, Brian Loader, and Alper Caglayan are unavailable at our library. You can submit an inter-library loan request online by accessing the link, and we can attempt to obtain these books for you. As to the journal article by Jose Lopez, our library does not carry this particular journal. You can request this journal article through inter-library loan accessing the link, and we can attempt to obtain this article for you. The book by Daniel Dinello is available in our stacks for checkout here at the Wisser Library according to the Bearcat catalog, you can check the book out for up to 2 weeks with a valid NYIT ID card. The publication by J.P. Telotte is available as an e-book by accessing the "Click here" link contained in the Bearcat catalog record of the book. If you are off-campus, there will be a prompt asking for your NYIT Connect username and password and you will be able to access the full-text of the e-book free of charge.

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